Altar ServersEucharistic Ministers
Music Group
Choir and Organist
Sacristy Team
Welcome Team
BaptismEarly Sacraments
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Parish Finance CouncilCashiers
Bazaar Committee
Apostolic Fund Committee
MISSIO APF Mill Hill Fathers
Faith in Families
Planned Giving and Gift Aid
Fair Trade
Rosary GroupEucharistic Adoration Group
Five First Saturdays
Day with Mary
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
MISSIO APF Mill Hill Fathers

APF (Association for the Propagation of the Faith) founded in Mill Hill, London is the only major mission society (founded by Cardinal Vaughan) in the Church in England and Wales. Its Priests, Brothers and lay missionaries serve in 27 countries.
The APF is the Church's main mission-funding organisation. In 1922 Pope Pius XI made the APF the official mission aid society of the whole Church. It is accountable to Pope John Paul II (hence its Pontifical title) and supports projects in every one of the Church's 1,059 mission dioceses and territories. Parishioners support the mission by keeping a red APF box in their home and donating loose change to fill it up. In this way, Red Box donations bring God's love and hope to the poorest and most in need. Red Box holders become members of the APF worldwide. The boxes are collected in and emptied twice a year.
Don't forget that by filling in a Gift Aid declaration form, tax payers can make their gift worth 25% more. To join the scheme, please speak to the welcoming team.