Altar ServersEucharistic Ministers
Music Group
Choir and Organist
Sacristy Team
Welcome Team
BaptismEarly Sacraments
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Parish Finance CouncilCashiers
Bazaar Committee
Apostolic Fund Committee
MISSIO APF Mill Hill Fathers
Faith in Families
Planned Giving and Gift Aid
Fair Trade
Rosary GroupEucharistic Adoration Group
Five First Saturdays
Day with Mary
Divine Mercy Prayer Group

If you are considering requesting the Sacrament of Marriage please speak to the Parish Priest as early as possible. At least 6 months notice is required as well as attendance at a Marriage preparation course.
Please read a statement from Bishop Malcolm about the importance of marriage (MS Word, 13kb)
Marriage Preparation
We prepare couples for the sacrament of matrimony, using the 'Fit for Mission' marriage preparation materials created by the Diocese of Lancaster. These materials provide two formats: one for couples with an active Christian faith, the other for those who are less informed about Church teaching and practice.
Preparation courses will be provided several times throughout the year - please keep an eye on the newsletter and the diary pages.
Places on these courses may only be reserved following an interview with the Parish Priest. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment.
Marriage Registration
There is an Authorised Person for the parish who is responsible for the completion of registers of marriages and ensuring the legal validity of marriages celebrated in the Church.