Altar ServersEucharistic Ministers
Music Group
Choir and Organist
Sacristy Team
Welcome Team
BaptismEarly Sacraments
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Parish Finance CouncilCashiers
Bazaar Committee
Apostolic Fund Committee
MISSIO APF Mill Hill Fathers
Faith in Families
Planned Giving and Gift Aid
Fair Trade
Rosary GroupEucharistic Adoration Group
Five First Saturdays
Day with Mary
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Drama Group

Do you enjoy Theatre and the Arts? We aim to produce a wide variety of plays, both religious and community-based, over a huge range of genres from traditional mystery plays to improvisational street theatre, and everything in between! Whatever your interest or level of experience, we hope you'll find at least one of our projects interesting, thought provoking and entertaining whether as an audience member or member of our group.
We need a range of skills to make this group a success. If acting isn't for you, can you write, direct, make scenery or costumes, help with funding and planning or offer constructive criticism on our work?
At the moment, our group is specifically tailored for people at Secondary school and beyond. New members are always very welcome - please contact the Parish Office if you're interested in joining.