Altar ServersEucharistic Ministers
Music Group
Choir and Organist
Sacristy Team
Welcome Team
BaptismEarly Sacraments
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Parish Finance CouncilCashiers
Bazaar Committee
Apostolic Fund Committee
MISSIO APF Mill Hill Fathers
Faith in Families
Planned Giving and Gift Aid
Fair Trade
Rosary GroupEucharistic Adoration Group
Five First Saturdays
Day with Mary
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Altar Servers

A lively group of friendly youngsters aged from 8 to 18 support the Parish Priest during weekend masses, and a few adults perform the same role at weekday masses.
Serving at Mass is a wonderful way to get to know more about your faith. All we ask is that you have taken your First Holy Communion - apart from that, age is no barrier! Just ask one of the altar servers or see the Parish Priest or the MC if you think you might be interested.
We try to do some fun things now and again as a group - there's usually an annual outing and in 2006 we went on a sponsored walk to raise money for new albs.
The picture records the occasion when two of our servers were enrolled into the Guild of St Stephen, receiving their bronze Guild medals. On the same day, our then MC received his silver Guild medal after 10 years of faithful service.