Altar ServersEucharistic Ministers
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MISSIO APF Mill Hill Fathers
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Rosary GroupEucharistic Adoration Group
Five First Saturdays
Day with Mary
Divine Mercy Prayer Group
Natural Family Planning

The Couple to Couple League provides support to the Christian family, primarily through the teaching of Natural Family Planning (NFP)in the context of Catholic teaching as a way of life supportive of marriage. This is carried out by trained volunteer couples in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church. In Beeston, David and Louise Aldred are a CCL Teaching Couple.
Our regular courses cover all aspects of NFP, including the way in which its use builds the marriage relationship. The method we teach - the symptothermal method - provides the highest effectiveness, whether wishing to achieve or avoid pregnancy.
we can also provide introductory talks, and talks to engaged couples.
Contact David and Louise on 0115 877 8310 or email